
Introduction to the Hornet Spook Light

Hornet Spook Light Articles

The Spooklight Museum

Photos of Spooklight Museum

Spooklight Photo Page

Spooklight Tours

4-State Explorers Contact Info

Hello again This I’m sure will be a bit of a surprise to many that remember the 4-State Explorers and it’s last days as an organization. I’m happy to announce that after much consideration I have decided to come out of retirement to once again explore the always-intriguing field of paranormal investigation and research. I first want to address briefly the circumstances that led to my early retirement. Firstly, I had newborn baby at home and many members of the organization were going through similar life altering changes in their life. This led me to the conclusion that I was needed more at home than anywhere else. Unfortunately I made my decision a bit late and it led to a separation between my wife and I. I now reside in Columbia, Missouri and care for my son who is now 3 ½ on a fulltime basis. The second factor was that I simply needed a break from the field. Many who are involved in it will understand what I strain it places upon finances and how much personal time it consumes. I was finding myself constantly turning down interviews, requests for information, and requests for investigation. I need some time for self-reflection and to get other matters in proper order. The final reason that I left is that when the organization was originally formed none of us quite honestly were very good at what we did. We were well meaning of course but focused much of our attention on gadgetry and not on science. We were handed a large budget by Crowder College and given great latitude to conduct investigations without data or results expected. Hindsight of course is always 20/20 but in looking back we sqaundered a great opprutunity. Finally, the reason that I decided to come back. I was recently approached by an enthusiastic gentleman in Columbia who desired to take up paranormal investigation. His enthusiasm ignited or at least rekindled a passion in me to discover the truth behind the unknown in our world. So without further adieu I hope that you will join me in setting out on this quest into the unknown. I have begun a new website at www.adamsorg.freewebspace.com I will be updating it on a regular basis. If your interested in what I have in store please stop by, pull up a chair and stay for awhile. Sincerely, Adam D. Sorg

Spook Lights which are also known by various other names are an ongoing unexplained anomaly that is occuring around the globe. What are they? They are lights that often occur in fairly remote places that have no known origin. They vary in color, size, intensity, and duration. They also often seperate into more than one light.
Last Update April 3rd 2003:
Check out our links page! Scans of two old spooklight booklets are up

Also we're working hard to enhance are sites with smaller file sizes and quicker download speeds. If you are a dial up user though it will take a minute or two for most of the pictures to load. If pictures seem to be missing from a page their probably not we just haven't put any there yet.


4-State Explorers Home Page

Click this to go to the 4-State Explorers Home Page

Old Spooklight Photo source unknown

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If you know of a Spooklight location or if you have an experience you would like to tell us about please e-mail us